Since October Pick and Taste has begun cooperation with Tobacco Trading International Poland, which is the exclusive representative of the highest-quality Davidoff cigars.
TTI Poland has been present on the Polish market of high-grade tobacco products since 1994. It offers, among others, different types of snuff, cigarette tobacco, cigarette accessories, pipe tobacco, pipes and accessories, cigarillos, cigars and flavoured cigarettes.
Since 2000 TTI has been the exclusive Polish representative of Oettinger Imex for luxury, well-known all worldwide and hand-made Davidoff cigars.
Since 2000 TTI has been the exclusive Polish representative of Oettinger Imex for luxury, well-known all worldwide and hand-made Davidoff cigars.
The brand, created by born in Kiev and settled in Switzerland Zino Davidoff, has been recognized as one of the most appreciated by connoisseurs all over the world.
Pick and Taste will cooperate with TTI on tasting the noble Davidoff cigars in Poland. Additionally, we will conduct tastings of alcohols which compose with cigars perfectly.