Smoking a cigar is a moment when for several dozen minutes we can forget about the everyday matters. Cigars have always been present at business diners and informal meetings. We offer a journey through an unusual and full of secrets world of cigars.The meeting is begun with a short introduction on general principles of cigars tasting. During the training we discuss, among others, such issues as: the production process and its influence on the taste of the cigars, the most popular production regions, shape and colour, the choice of a cigar, creating a collection and the etiquette of a cigar smoker. During the tasting we also discuss how to heat, cut, store and, naturally, smoke cigars. The participants have the opportunity to smoke different types of cigars, of different taste and style. All aspects are discussed in an interesting and involving way, with numerous anecdotes and stories from the world of tobacco. Thanks to it the presentation gains energy and an interesting form. Every participant will get a professional tasting card and the descriptions of producers whose cigars will be tasted. Below, in the pdf file, there are exemplary types of trainings on cigars. The leitmotiv of the tasting, as well as the cigars, can be adjusted to the event profile. For instance, the companies’ owners may be told how to set up their own tobacco plantation, financial directors may be told how costly the production of the cigars is and to what aspects they should pay most attention. The HR specialists may get the answer to the question why it is mostly men who deal with cigars.
The final offers are made only after consultations with the client. Exemplary types of trainings: “Introduction to the World of Cigars”“Cuba, the living legend”“The most famous brands – Cohiba, Montechristo, Romeo y Julieta..”“Dominicana and Honduras”“Churchill, Robusto or Torpedo: that is the question”