We have organized quite a few interesting shows and tastings in the last few months.
Our newest programme, the Wine Casino, was undoubtedly one of the most popular events. This alternative for a typical casino and roulette integrates the participants much more and at the same time is a great source of knowledge on wine and whisky. The groups are divided into several stands and each stand offers different tasks. The tasks are about identifying wine colour served in black glasses only with the use of taste, as well as the tournament of wine knowledge. One of the most popular contests is about identifying wine bouquet. We often know aromas but it is difficult to define them. This is what is tested here but it is done in a nice game. The Wine Black Jack is the most entertaining and we can win extra glasses with wine here.
The form of the tasting which is more and more popular is the Carribean liquors; rum most precisely. The spirit is more and more often served in bars and it must have been the reason why Poles want to know more about it and taste its limited editions. As it is a sweet liquor that is why it is best for mixed as well as only women’s groups.
The tasting of wine and cheese is still very popular. It is a tempting alternative for classic desserts and what is more, the participants obtain a lot of interesting information on pairing cheese and wine, preparing cheese plates, pairing them with other food as well as storing and buying this speciality.