Since the beginning of June we have varied our tastings by adding attractive multimedia elements. Feature and specialist films, describing the production process of whisky, wine, cigars, as well as colourful pictures will certainly make our tastings attractive.
The materials prepared by us will both diversify the Connoisseur’s corners, during which they will be screened, and ideally match the projector during Multimedia trainings.
Thanks to films and specially prepared recordings, we offer many attractive contests and games varying our meetings.
We suggest a linguistic game, during which the participants try to correctly spell the names of plants producing Scotch whisky and then compare their results with a real Scottish accent.
Another attraction we can provide is a multimedia contest, during which we show parts of feature films connected with alcohol. The task of the participants is, among others, to as quickly as possible specify from which film a given fragment comes.
Next ideas how to make the tasting more attractive are in progress, we will inform about them in the nearest future.