To understand the production craftsmanship of cigars, one has to get to know the appropriate vocabulary and structure. One of both endings of the cigar, the one which is kept in the mouth, is called the head. The ending which is burnt, is called the foot. There is a small piece of tobacco wrapped around the head, called the cap, which goes down to the body of the cigar. The cap protects the wrapper from unfolding.
A cigar consists of three main pieces: a binder, a wrapper and a filler. It is their combination and the way they are composed that makes all the differences.
The binder is the core of the cigar and its proper centre. It is wrapped with a filler and a wrapper. In premium cigars only long binder leaves are used, which ensures the same taste of the whole cigar and makes long ash. The wrapper is the first layer covering the binder. In high quality cigars it is a special leaf of a proper strength, which lets the roll be kept as a whole.The filler is the proverbial cover of the book, by which one can evaluate it. It has to be aesthetically pleasant, without nerves, of a flat structure and nice to touch. The wrapper may determine about 20% of the cigar’s taste, so it has to be one perfect leaf, well selected to complement and enhance the share of the binder and the wrapper. is the proverbial cover of the book, by which one can evaluate it. It has to be aesthetically pleasant, without nerves, of a flat structure and nice to touch. The wrapper may determine about 20% of the cigar’s taste, so it has to be one perfect leaf, well selected to complement and enhance the share of the binder and the wrapper.