Hand-made cigars are produced mainly in Cuba, Dominicana, Ecuador, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Brazil, Mexico, The Philippines and the USA. Very often, only on the basis of observation, one can approximately evaluate the country of the cigar’s origin. The experts are able to distinguish characteristic features, which enables the recognition of specific styles connected with a given country. However, this task is made difficult by producers, as they import tobacco blends from different countries and do not base only on local cultivation.
Opinie klientów
NextiraOne/CMS Cameron McKenna
“The tasting was led efficiently and professionally in a pleasant and full of humour atmosphere. The choice of spirits and cigars was perfect and the way of conducting the meeting showed excellent preparation of both speakers, as well as their vast and versatile knowledge.”
„With all the certainty I can recommend Pick and Taste to those who are looking for elegant, funny and informative entertainment for the evening part of the event.”
CMS Cameron McKenna
PICKANDTASTE.PL / Connoisseur’s Encyklopedia / Cigars / Cultivation places